Mobile rubbish bin
        作者:佚名. 地點:台灣台北市大安區. 材質:塑膠桶, 木板, 小輪子. 智慧:根據自己的需求製作一的方便且可移動的垃圾桶. 說明:這是在學校裡的垃圾桶, 由於校園面積廣泛, 裝設輪胎可以幫助籃子到達. 更遠的地方, 而且清掃者也可以輕鬆的掃地, 並移動垃圾.   Author:Anonymous. Location:Daan District, Taipei, Taiwan. Material:Plastic basket, Wood panel, Wheels. Intelligence:To make a conveniet and mobile rubbish bin by themselves. Explanation:It is found in university, this rubbish bin is made for cleaner. Due to a large place is waiting for cleaner, so they put wheels on the basket of the bottom part, and put a wood panel between them. It helps cleaner easier to move and clean the environment.